
cpre tech electives iowa state? Cyber Security Program

Developing a Programme for Cyber Security Engineering? Start by Duplicating Your Computer Engineering Course.

Iowa State University’s Dr. Douglas H. Jacobson

At Iowa State University’s Department of Electrical + Computer Engineering, Doug Jacobson holds a university professorship. The National Security Agency has designated the University of Iowa Information Assurance Centre as a charter Centre of Academic Excellence of Information Assurance Education, and he is now the center’s director. In addition to writing a network security textbook, he teaches information warfare and network security. He has co-authored a book about security literacy and delivered multiple security seminars for non-technical audiences.

He has testified before the U.S. Senate Judiciary committee on security concerns related to peer-to-peer networking and has delivered over 75 talks in the field of computer security.
He has five years of experience as an IEEE representative ABET programme evaluator. Iowa State University’s Dr. Julie Ann Rursch

At Iowa State University’s Department of Electrical – Computer Engineering, Julie A. Rursch holds the position of Associate Teaching Professor. Her area of interest is trustworthy and secure computing. She has been a crucial component of the B.S. and minor in security Engineering onboarding process.

The need for workers with cyber security training is rising across the country.
There is a clear need for workers in information technology and computer-related fields. The number of job openings is expected to increase by 12% between 2018 and 2028, according to projections from the Bureau of Labour Statistics[1]. Compared to the average across all occupations, this is substantially faster. Even if this figure is startling and raises questions about how to close the skills gap in general technology, the highly specialised information security subsector is predicted to increase at an astounding 32 percent over the same time period[2].

It is obvious that in order to generate graduates with information security capabilities, colleges and institutions across the country must start new programmes or strengthen those that already exist.
Nonetheless, creating a new major in cyber security architecture is a difficult undertaking for educational institutions of all sizes, be they public or private. As usual, it is our duty as educators to maximise the resources at our disposal.

What makes the computer engineering programme need to be duplicated?

At their core, engineers are problem solvers. Furthermore, no topic requires more comprehensive answers than cyberspace security.

This essay explains the method we employed to create the computer security engineering degree by utilising the current instructors, courses, classrooms, and expertise. Furthermore discussed are the extracurricular and outreach programmes utilised to attract and keep students in the major.

The Road to a New Homeland Security Engineering Degree

The programme is still based in the electrical engineering department; the department of computer engineering and electrical engineering is the new name to reflect the department’s dual nature. The department of computer engineering and electrical engineering has been offering graduate-level courses in cyber security since 1995, and in 2000, it established a cyber security graduate degree.

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